Faith. Family. Community.
Women's Ministries
Begin a journey of transformation with other women by building friendships and engaging in community together through retreats, workshops, and shared experiences. Join us for our spring and fall retreats as well as special events throughout the year.
55+ Ministry
55 Plus meets on the second Tuesday of every month at 10:30 a.m. for a time of fellowship, encouragement and inspiration followed by a delicious potluck lunch. All are welcome. 55 Plus meets during the months of September to December and March to June.
Join Pastor Jim Kesselring as he teaches from God's Word.
Click to access the current studies available:
The Book of Job
The Pursuit of Godliness
We look for ways to serve those in our church, in our community, city, and the world in meaningful ways. We serve others because Jesus commands us to love one another.